Spring brings about many changes and here at Rising Bread, we’re excited to unveil a few of our own. Beginning this Friday, we’re introducing color-coded labels to streamline identification of our bread offerings. Our foundation loaves will feature green labels, while heritage grain loaves will use orange labels. For our specialty loaves look for blue labels, focaccia will use white labels, and limited edition loaves will be sporting purple labels. 

In response to invaluable customer feedback, we’ve made the strategic decision to transition to multifunctional packaging. The new packaging is is more durable, is suitable for freezing bread, and keeps the bread at peak freshness longer. It also helps reduce packaging waste as we found a large segment of our customers were taking our bread home and repackaging it to enjoy and eventually freeze. We are confident these changes will elevate your 100% sourdough experience, and hope you enjoy the convenience and benefits they bring.

As always, you can get our real sourdough bread at the following venues: Whole Earth Market CO-OP, Menomonie Market Food CO-OP, Menomonie Market Food CO-OP (Eau Claire) and River Market Community CO-OP.

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